Thursday, February 18, 2010


For today's breakfast, I had a banana and a cup of what I was told was the best yogurt in the world: Chobani 0% Greek Yogurt. It is pretty good. But it wasn't what I wanted. Once again, I was foiled in my oatmeal plan by a morning spent arguing with a four-year-old about whether a sleeping bag was an appropriate thing to bring to school. Why haven't I just made the oatmeal in advance and portioned it out? Because, my friends, I am lazy. Lazy lazy lazy. And by the time I get around to using the Nutella, AJ will have eaten it all on toast because he has learned that he loves it.

Anyway. Lots of good stuff for me in the banana and yogurt, but what would have really made that breakfast sing is a can of Coke. I can't stop yawning, and I blame the lack of Coke in me. Off I go to the vending machine.

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